That was a GREAT episode. I could not beleive how stupid Jason was in stepping down. He could have beaten Pavarti. he was lucky that there was a move to oust Ozzy, otherwise he was going home. Parvati and Cirie are playing great. I still think Cirie is going to win this thing. However, Jason is the best athlete left in the game. He can go on a run and win physican challanges. If he is smart, he will try to split the girls.
I like the visit to the village. I am always amazed by the cultures they encounter ont his show. I know its one of Brunet's favorite things, to show off these local cultures. I loved it. I felt for Cirie on Exile Island. That sucked. But I am sure its beign int eh cold that helped her develope the plan to oust Ozzy. What was James thinking with the noice making. He is gettign edgy, like he did last time. It will be his downfall.
Jason never should have made the deal, but maybe he can parlay it into a deal with the girls and start to work on splitting them up. He needs to play up how the fans will be 3-2 when the men are gone and Cirie, Amanda and PAv wil pick them off. If he is smart, he will split the girls and get them to eat one of their own before its too late. If he can get tot eh final three, he can win the final challange. I was sad to see Ozzy go. I love him. He was gettign too cocky and that is always the tiem when you fall.