No problem dotcosm, I was going to post last night, but my wife and I were too busy laughing for ten minutes after the end. Erik goes out an DOMINATES the last real immunity challenge, the next one will probably be the who can outlast the others type, and what does he do, he gives immunity away. What a freaking idiot. I have to give Cirie props for putting the task to Nat and coming up with teh only way it can work, so that she could trust him. Yet again, Amanda showed her acting chops at tribal. She had me believing that she hated him and wanted him out.
I was glad to see the effects of Amanda's move at last tribal. Amanda was smart to go right up to Cirie. It cemented her and Cirie. cirie could have flipped to Nat and Erik if NAt worked fast. Amanda worked faster. I am so at a loss for who deserves this most between Cirie, Amanda and PArv. Parv put the whole final four women plan into play, but Cirie and Amanda set it up last night so that these three kept teh power on their side. Amanda goign up to Erik and convincing him that they should take each other on the Reward and send Parv to Exile. She was brilliant. Cirie though was amazing back at camp. She worked NAt like apuppet and kept her under control. Meanwhiel Amanda was doing the same thing with Erik.
Then he goes and DOMINATE the IC. He kicked such ass it was scary. He was going at Ozzy speed. I loved that the last puzzel spelled "Guaranteed Final Four!" I mean how ironic was that. I give Cirie huge props for her plan. Natalie was funny saying who could fall for that and that she felt stupid even listening to teh girls about it. Tribal Council was amazing. Righ tup until the end, I thought there was no way he would actually do it. No way he goes to the final four on a chance instead of a lock. The faces of the jury were better this week than last week. I was floored, they were off the chart. I thought bug eyes Eliza was going to fly out of her chair she was flapping so much. James blurts out that he is not the stupidest survivor anymore. In a season of blindsides and flips, Erik gives up his place in teh final four, what an idiot.
Overall, this might be my favorite episode ever. It might take the place of the Rat Snake Susan speech in the first final tribale. I just covered my face because I could not look at the TV. Last night, and this whoel season, has reminded me why this show can be great and why it can really get people excited. Its a great show, but it really is all about the cast. You could not have scripted last nights show.