Parvati! Wow, what a season. Probst was right, other than the first two seasons, this was the ebst one. It was a return to all taht was great aout Survivor. I honestly never knew what was coming. I was blown away taht Amanda did not win as well. I would have voted for Amanda, but I am never right about that. The last episode was great. I was sad that Cirie did not get to the finals. she would have won if it was final three, but of well. It was still great.
The first IC was really good. The bucket on teh perch then teh puzzel ladder. Amanda made up her lost ground quicky and then rocked on the ladder. Natalie played her last card, that she was a better risk than Cirie, but I Was glad Amanda and Parvati did not flip on cirie.
The first Tribal Council was interesting. Cirie was obviously right that she was not in teh final two alliance with Amanda and Parv, but thats okay. She had it in her hands and she dropped the ball, literally. It was a great backstab on them that there was only a final two. I still want to know what would have happened if it was a tie, but we will never know that.
I know its corny, but I like the former tribemate torchs thing each season. Its a nice chance to review what happened and see all these people. I forgot how cool Mary was and I felt bad that she got tossed so quickly.
In the end, I would have went with Amanda. She never lied to anyone. She played a brilliant game. When she was presented with teh backstab in Ozzy, she could have lost it, but she played through what must have been difficult feelings and stayed int eh power group. then, when she needed to, she won imminuty, found the hidden idol and played the best hidden idol move ever. I would have voted for Amanda. But PArv played a great game too. she was cutthroat when needed and got the votes, so you ahve to respe3ct it.
Anyway, this was a great season. I am glad we were all able to share another fun show. I look forward to teh fall. Congrats to our DU Survivor winner lpbk2713, who picked Parvati way back in February.