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Survivor Gabon - Episode 8

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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-07-08 09:00 AM
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Survivor Gabon - Episode 8
Gotta be short this week. I love it when someone confident gets stabbed in the back. I thought that Kenny was toast. Marcus was smug and an asshole, he should have been a little more of a player. confidence in your alliance is always a mistake. You have to play the game. He needed to resecure his alliance once the switch happened and tell Suzie why he thinks she should stay and corinne should go, but not until the merge. He messed up and paid the price. Now, Corinne is cute as hell, but her attack on Suzy is goign to cost her. She needs to tone it down.

The episode last night was good. The expected merge was not there. I can't believe that no one toof that idol. If I were Matty, it would be in my pocket. He is toast soon. I love the new tribes. I suspect a merge is next week, but this was just enough to mix up plans and piss people off. Great move Brunet. I loved it.

Anyway, the bad move of the night was when Suzy flat out asks Marcus about her spot in the Kota 6. when this happens, LIE and tell that person they are above someone they hate. He should have thrown Corinne under the bus, then told Corinne what he said after the merge. He meesed up and paid for it.

The challenge was hard. I would not have lasted with my arms out like that. I give them all credit and felt bad for Bob at the end. If he only knew it would cost him an alliance member. So suzy goed back to camp and cooks up a deal with Crystal and Kenny. I'm glad they did it.

So next week I think they merge. If Suzy flips, I think its 5-4 now. Should be a cool run to the end from here. I love this game.
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Qanisqineq Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-07-08 10:59 AM
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1. I'm out of the contest!
And I can't say that I am disappointed about it. At first I really liked Marcus but by this episode I was more than happy to see him go. I have to admit that I thought Suzy would never vote him out, I thought she'd write down Kenny. There are always those weaker players in an alliance that somehow seem to believe they will make it to the final 3 (I hate that, make it final 2 again) when to everyone else it is beyond obvious that he/she is low person on the totem pole. Thank gawd Suzy wasn't one of those.

It was painfully obvious how much Matty wanted that idol. I kept thinking "swim out after it!!" or something. And during the immunity challenge, Matty started getting too cocky when he was taunting Bob. I think he was extremely lucky it didn't blow up in his face. He seemed to be doing more harm to his own concentration and balancing the poles than to Bob's. I probably would have been out at the same time as Crystal -- I couldn't do it with my hands in that position. Flip them over and it would have been better.
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Demit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-07-08 11:30 AM
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2. LOL! I think my favorite parts are watching the smug ones get blindsided.
So gratifying to watch people who think they're so clever get punked by the people they thought they were smarter than. Hopefully they learn to go back to their lives with a little humility.
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romana Donating Member (240 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-07-08 03:35 PM
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3. Swing votes
This episode really highlights the dangers of not giving someone a straight answer. Marcus was the architect of his own demise by refusing to say something definitive to Suzie, whether he meant it or not. As a result, her best move was to flip and get rid of him. She is now a key swing vote, and someone with a lot of power. I hope she plays it for all it's worth.

The other mistake Marcus made was in thinking he could trust Crystal because they had a RL acquaintance in common. What the hell? That was the dumbest thing I ever heard. And Crystal knew it, and used it to her advantage. I have not been at all impressed with Crystal so far, but last night she played the game well, and may have been playing it well all along. Time will tell.

Poor Sugar. I thought she was playing a smart game, but she's really just...dare I say it...a dumb blond. Kenny used her hook, line, and sinker and she voted off her strongest ally. I'm still glad to see Ace go, but Sugar was dumb, and made a huge mistake. Her only saving grace is that has the immunity idol.

I think the second immunity idol played out the only way it could have, since the entire group knew about it. I think I would've waited until the box was opened at the end before making any decisions about it, but whoever had it would have had a huge target painted on their back.
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