I agree, there was really nothing terribly exciting about last night's episode. I even went back to grading papers during tribal council! O.O
I love Team Secret, but I'm not convinced Brendon is playing along as much as he says he's playing along. Come on, he seriously can't find time to talk to Sierra once he got back? He left that up to Taj? Something just doesn't smell right about that at all. And I hope Taj went and got that immunity idol now that she knows where it is. In fact, I hope that's why she's all cocky in the previews next week. Sometimes, people just do the stupidest things in this game--it makes me gnash my teeth in frustration.
I love that the weight challenge came down to the women. I think Debbie did a respectable job, but she was just not physically up to the task, and Timbera's dumbness in voting out strong women showed there. I don't fault Debbie for that at all as much as I fault Coach and his stupid, egotistical decisions.
The observation that Tyson and Coach are the cancers who are focusing solely on who to get rid of and what a great show it will make sums up the entire problem with their tribe. Coach, in particular, needs to go even though I expect he'll probably be pretty entertaining as things go further along, and will probably be someone who is good to take to the finals. But damn, he's an egotistical asshole. He wants to make that whole tribe about him rather than about winning.
Love the shopping trip, and I think those two guys were smart about it. Sandy demonstrated that she had no clue about strategy, so it's not a shame that she went.