WOW< WHAT AN EPISODE! First off, I missed writing last week. I had a big project at work and could not take any time to write. Sorry. As a quick recap, I was so pissed that Brendan got ousted. I thought for sure that Stephen and JT would have seen the light and ousted Coach with Brendan. But such is life. Anyway, that made for an even better episode this week.
This week was so much fun. which si good, because at the halfway point last night, It thought it was sucking. I was tired of Sierra and wanted it to just be over. Then, the flip at the last minute. Great editing. I thought it was great to see Tyson go. He was such an asshat to Sierra, that it just felt good to see him get the boot. I can't wait to see how Coach deals with this.
I started to feel bad for Sierra, but that changed to anger at her. She was a bit too whinny for me. Suck it up girl and play the game. She just cried and said I have to try. Thats not trying. Trying would have been to approach Taj and Steven and say that you are still willing, and clearly they are not Coach's favorites, so they should be thinking long term. she did not do that though. All she did was try to justify her deal with Brendan.
I likes the reward challenge. I think it showed that JT is the force that will win this game if he is not taken out. He is so much more physically dominant than everyone else that they have to go after him. I love him and hope he or Taj win, but I doubt that going to happen. I have to give Erinn credit. she looked good lining up the holes in the wood. she has not done much to impress me, but she did last night. Yet again, Coach does nothing. He sucks in the challenge and claims he is a warrior. He is being carried by Tyson right now, and now that its over I want to see what happens to him.
Stephen, well, I felt bad for him at Exile. they thankfully did not show another episode of him making fire, but its clear that he sucks in the wilderness. I hope he wins the reward challenge next time so he does not have to go back. I understand JT's plan in sending him, but it still sucks.
The Immunity Challenge was GREAT. Lots of suspense and I love it when it rains. Probst is so in his element in the rain. He gets this glow in his eyes that is so obvious. Seriously, IC's in the rain are maybe the best part of this game. All the players are freezing and wet. Sierra and Taj were shaking so bad I thought they were gonna get airlifted out. It was awesome.
I love playing table shuffleboard. I used to travel to Austen a lot and there is the great Hyatt on the river with a huge table shuffleboard game. We used to go there a few times a year and we would spend hours at that table. That brought back some memories for me. Anyway, it was close until the end. I was pulling for Sierra, just to see what would happen when the turning started.
I love the cockiness when Probst asks who wants to avoid immunity. Coach, Stephen and JT are crazy to stand out like that. They felt safe, but its wrong to throw it in people's faces like that. They are lucky Deb did not join them or Sierra would have won. Anyway, great challenge, but a poor decision almost cost them them game.
Tyson's comments about hoping Sierra cries a lot at tribal council were great. It set up that blindside so well. I'm glad Taj, Stephen and Erinn stepped it up. They needed to do it. JT was set in his deal, but now he is the one to beat.
Tribal was great. Tyson saying he loves everyone except for Sierra was perfect. He is such a dick. He says he is confident that he is safe. I love it. I hoped JT would not fold. It was so anxious. Jeff shook it up by going head to head with Coach calling him out on his bullshit. I loved it. Then the vote. So great. Tyson's face when he saw that second vote, then the third. It was priceless. I'm not sure who was more shocked, Coach, Tyson or Sierra. Next week will be great. Overall, this was the best episode of the year and one of the better one's of all time.