Don't ask me why though.
I also had no clue who Spencer etc was and it was funny to see how full of himself he was, thinking he's a huge celebrity, when in reality, most people have no clue who he is, lol.
Now about the Baldwins. I watched Stephen Baldwin on The Apprentice and just really dispised him on that, so I was ready to watch him suffer on this show. And aside from his religiosity popping out every now and then (especially when pseudo-xtian Spencer was there), he's actually more tolerable in this environment than in Donald Trumps world. I think the arrival of big brother Daniel took him down a notch, so I was glad when he showed up. I generally like all of the Baldwin Bros (except Stephen).
Also, I wanted to see Frangela, because I knew them as weekly guests on Stephanie Miller's show, and I think they're funny and smart. It's too bad they're already gone, but tomorrow they'll be on Stephanie's show (3rd hour) to talk about it.
Now, I liked Sanjaya when he was on Idol. I didn't want him to win, but he had a good heart and seemed to be a very nice soul. This show is bearing that out. He would be a good candidate for the actual Survivor show -- he's like a budding Ozzie. He's a good kid.
Rod's wife seems to be OK mostly, although it bugs me when she talks about how victimized they have been, and I'm sure most of the other people there don't really know much about Rod's case, so they seem to believe her.
All the rest I never had heard of. But that Janice woman is some piece of work. I hope she gets kicked out this week, because she's just nasty. A liar, delusional and pathetic.
Heidi's sister came in last night to replace her (probably a contract issue). She seems like so much more of a normal human being than her sister.
I'd like Sanjaya to win, I think.