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BB fans ...go here and vote for Jeff

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greenbriar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-31-09 12:27 AM
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BB fans ...go here and vote for Jeff
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laugle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-31-09 08:37 PM
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1. I haven't been here in years. But I'm so disgusted
with the whole Jesse/Nat thing too. I just can't wait for the tables to turn.

Jesse whining last night about his poor little neck/head hurting and about being on slop! I hope America caught him saying he wished he had taken Lydia up on her offer to eat slop instead of him. What a rotten, stinking, egotistical, MEATHEAD!

I'm with you on Jeff, he's so cute and has real character, and doesn't suck-up like that sickening Ronnie, don't get me started on that little coward!

Thanks for the thread, hope people vote for Jeff..............stay tuned.........
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laugle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-31-09 09:47 PM
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2. Some of the comments on CBS are a
Edited on Fri Jul-31-09 09:49 PM by laugle
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ecstatic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-31-09 10:36 PM
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3. Jeff has made a lot of bigoted comments
So I can't vote for him. Jordan has too, fyi. I'd take Jessie over any of them any day.
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Duer 157099 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-01-09 04:54 PM
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4. Done! (many times now)
The prospect of Jeff winning the coup d'etat caused me to sign up for the 14-day free trial of the feeds, since the next couple of weeks are going to be veeeeery interesting!

Jeff and Jordan are the cutest couple ever! I really hope they get together/stay together after this.

Although all either one has to do is proclaim they are a repuke and all bets would be off for me, but hey, Jeff is from Chicaaaaahgo so he's likely a good progressive. Jordan? I'd sort of forgive her any political leanings, because she's one of the most naive adults I've ever seen, ever. Good thing she has a good heart.

Ronnie is disgusting. Natalie is super disgusting. Chima is mostly disgusting. Michele is icky. Kevin and Lydia are at least entertaining.

Jessie is better than he was last season, but not by much. His true colors are just now coming out with him on slop and out of power. He's not such an attractive person at all, but has seemed to learned some lessons over the past year. Maybe.

Russell is a wildcard for me. I see some redeeming qualities, but also some not very attractive ones. Time will tell, especially after the POV today.
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