Edited on Fri Sep-18-09 08:40 AM by dr.strangelove
Welcome back to another season of Survivor. I LOVE this show. It never gets old for me. No matter how many times I hear Probst say it, I still get chills, 39 Days ... 1 Survivor!!
I like that they started the season divided into tribes again. I hate when they have to pick their own and someone fucks its up. this way the tribes are pretty well split up. The other thing I look forward to each year is the tribe names. They are always awesome. Galu and Foa Foa. Joining us for the first time this season is my nearly four year old, who is very excited to cheer for the purple team (Galu). Galu looks really good. I had to go to the website to get all the names, but they are John, Brett, Erik, Russell No. 1, Monica, Dave, Shambo, Yasmin, Laura and Kelly. I love this team. Shambo is freaking hysterical. Of course she won;t last with that military might wins the day personality, but it will eb fun as hell to watch her shoot herself in the foot. My favorite based on the website has to be Erik. go read his summer at cbs.com. He claims he is the perfect womanizer and dates 4-5 women at a time. Someone with that big an ego will be fun to watch implode. Keely is just beautiful and I have a feeling I have found my survivor crush for the season, Yasmin ROCKS. She is beautiful, tough as nails and made short work of that balance beam.
Foa Foa is just as stacked a team. They are Mick, Russell No. 2, (We NEED a Nickname for these two Russell's) Ben, Jaison, Marisa, Liz, Betsy, Natalie, Ashley and Mike. Marisa looked good to me and I think it was a mistake to let her go, but more an this later. Instead lets talk about superman, or Jaison as he is being called. Holy sh!t that guy is good. He flew through the water. I love the comment Mike made about "afro americans" not being good swimmers. I think we found our closet racist. Jaison is going to carry a lot of this team in challenges. More on Russell No. 2 later, but I have to agree with what Ashley said at tribal, she kicked ass in the challenge. Betsy was trying to get the attention off her and she did it. Ashley got a warning to step up her game.
I don't like the first order of business being the leader vote. It seemed forced and I don't think it will work out.
The fire RC was great. I remember when all they did was have to push a big round thing to win the first challenge or carry someone on a platform they made. MAn, this game is getting crazy. that first challenge was harder then anything they did in all of season 2. I'll get to Russell No. 2 soon, but I have to note his strength here. The man is a beast. He tossed those logs and in the IC carried that chest almost by himself. He is strong and a workhorse. Unless he shoots himself in the foot with open shifty play, he will get far enough on his strength where it may bo too late to do anything about him.
I felt bad for John, who seemed to do a good job, but he was doing it next to Dr. Manhattan JAison, who is made of some kind off floating steel.
Now, lets get to Russel No. 2. He is AWESOME. He is way more fun that Coach, but I don;t really like him like I did Boston Rob yet. I say he is wort of like porn star Brian for now, but we will see. His "dumb ass girl alliance" is funny, but those girls are hardly dumb and they will figure it out. If he keeps picking them off like he did last night though, he will be okay. I give him credit. He played perfectly last night. He said what he needed to say and he seemed like a smart guy at tribal. I can see him going far, unless they cut him off soon. He plan to cause problems is brilliant. He needs to cause problems for himself too to make it seem like things are evenly being sucky, but disharmony makes people on edge. Being pissed causes mistakes, like the one Marisa made.
Ah, sweet Marisa. she was just not aggressive enough. She made a comment to a power player and then backed off. You need to do that, but still let him think you are under his control. She did not. Oh well, it cost her her game.
The IC was not as much fun, but it was hard. Galu showed they have the better overall team in terms of strength, but not in terms of team play. Russel and Batman (Jaison) will keep it close, but Foa Foa has work to do to keep up on the physical game. They need to keep the strong players around, which will keep Russel No. 2 around.
I think Betsy should be careful. She was smart to draw attention away from herself, but she is gonna go down if she puts herself into any one on one with the team strongman.
OVerall a great beginning. We did not yet learn much about the players other than Shambo, Russel No 2 and our ousted MArisa. I am looking forward to learning about the rest of them. Hope you all enjoy the season.