Another VERY good episode. I learned something, SociopathicRuss knows how to play the game. Its not just being an asshole and getting the idol, its knowing when to share information and when to back down. He played a brilliant game last night and made two strong allies. I was glad that they started off with Jaison and his anger toward Ben. Ben shot himself in the foot with his comments last week, and I was surprised JAison was able to keep it in check. I thought it was smart to keep Ben for his challenge play, but then he SUCKED at teh challenge. Glad he went and I'm glad Jaison led the charge. That crap about Ben being the only one who can light a fire, its just editign to make him seem like less of a target. Unless SociopathicRuss was able to save him, it was clear he was going.
I thought SociopathicRuss may have made a mistake in tipping Ben about Ashley trying to gather votes for Ben, but Ben played it cool. I loved his self centered strategy. "You plant the Russel seed in their heads so I can manipulate every single one of them." He is such a piece of work. It worked though. It caused some problems and kept him safe.
Now, back at Galu's camp we get another mornign of yoga. Shambo needs to relax. Yoga is a valuable tool and it seems to be working. Galu is dominating. She should back off. Also, the young male in me must thank the survivor gods for proving bikinis to the ladies. That was a nice treat.
The challenge was not all that exciting. It was a good move to sit SociopathicRuss since his strenght and bulldozer like build would not be an advantage here. NExt challenge it might. I was surprised Galu sat Erik and Brett. I would have split them. Regardless, Foa Foa goes down again, in no small part due to Ben and his sucky play in the water at delaying anyone. The other Russell made a made call is keepign towels and pillows over the tarp, pots, lantern and what looked like more fishing gear. His speach that these were his ladies was damaging. He will get tossed soon.
Now Shambo made a great play when she visited Foa Foa. she wnet in with the right attitude, got good information and made friends. She betrayed her team, btu she knows she is on the outs. If she can keep herself around long enough to merge, maybe she can jump. Good move by the marine.
Overall, I was glad Jaison drew a line. It puts him and SociopathicRuss in a different light. SociopathicRuss will view that as bad but he needs JAison. He has his work cut out for him now. Jaison made it interesting. The Jaison/Ben tirade at tribal was fun to watch. Ben, you played a bad game. Not sorry to see you go.