Players like Yasmin who flaunt their value in physical challenges by being lazy at camp annoy the hell out of me, so I was glad to see her go. Everyone knows that being useful in camp is one way weaker players manage to stick around longer than they would otherwise, but it's to no one's benefit to rub someone's nose in it the way Yasmin rubbed Shambo's nose.
That said, I honestly think Shambo gets the award for stupidest Survivor player ever. OK, maybe the lady who didn't know what a pace was (was that just last season? They're starting to run together for me), but Shambo is certainly pretty high up there. She breaks a piece of fishing gear, lets a chicken loose, and then essentially gives away an immunity idol. What the hell was she thinking? Was she even thinking at all? If her tribe loses another immunity challenge, I predict she's gone.
Block piling? I'm with you, Strangelove, that was dumb and boring to watch. Is Burnett running out of ideas for challenges?
So far, SociopathicRuss is definitely fun to watch. I predict Jaison is going to self-destruct, if he hasn't already, but SPR would do well to keep Jaison around as long as he can to help with physical challenges. It'll be fun to watch SPR once the merge happens. It'll depend on the numbers game after that, but watching him strategize and manipulate should be entertaining.