Uh Oh, first episode of the season that I really did not like. The food challenge was soemone entertaining, but not as exciting as past episodes. It all got kind of boring as the editors deperately tried to inject some interest into an episode where it was clear who was going to go home, but they failed at it. Anyway, on to the summary.
Of course we started with Galu coming back sanz Yasmin. Shambo, knowing she is an outcast, decides not to hang out. Unless they merge before Galu loses again, that woman is gone. That said, Galu smight not lose again. I can see them pick off everyone in Foa Foa now.
I loved watching Erik getting crushed by those waves. I guess they now know that a rough seas is a warnign that the rain is coming and coming strong. That was some nasty rain.
I thought Liz was crazy for trying to spread discord for Ashley. Its all about challanges. Putplay her and you will be fine. Thats what happened. Ashley talked the talk about being able to eat, then could not keep down the nasty drink. I'll grant her that I would have puked up that nastiness, but come on, its survivor. Suck it down and throw up later.
I must say, last night was the best food reward ever. Steaks and brats, man thats my kind of food. Fat and protein all in one meal. That will give them 2-3 days of strength. Dave did a little damage with his offer to help build fire but not help unless begged by Russell, but in the end he walked the walk by making a great fire.
The IC was great. I loved how strong Liz and SociopathicRuss performed. It straight up saved Liz. SociopathicRuss would have had little chance to convince anyone to keep Ashley at that point. Also, how bad was Foa Foa. they could not get anything in teh baskets. How hard can it be. Jaison may rosk at waterpolo, but the man can not play bball.
In the end, there was no choice but Ashley. She played bad at teh challanges, both of them. Gotta get rid of the weak in order to survive. She sure did look pretty and sounded like someone I would love to hang out with, but just sucked at two important challanges in the same week. See y ou later dear. Looking forward to teh reunion.