Sorry I have been out of it for the past few weeks. The kids and work are really taking a toll. Last night was the first time in a month I was home before 10 on a Thursday. Anyway, long and short, I have come around on Russell. He is still an egomaniac and a jerk, but my boy knows how to play this game. Russell does it again, finding another idol without a clue. He is a survivor legend already.
I mean I saw something coming. CBS pushed all week that he was the target without an idol, but I was waiting for him to use Shambo to turn it, not to find another freaking idol. I swear, I am with Jaison, "I’m really beginning to love this guy."
Onto my recap. Episode starts with Russell being open that it was a mistake to play the idol and that for the first time he is not in control. Of course Laura's angels are as rude as possible openly cheering for his mistake and that he is next. I have to tip my hat to CBS for the editing of last night's show. They start off with the hardcore gameplay, then shift what has cracked into my top 5 all time favorite moments.
Natalie goes rat-hunting. Picture if you will our beautiful blond southern belle, all decked out in her golden bikini, walking through the forest. Suddenly, her little lady upbringing comes out, a scared yelp because she sees a rat. Then, the nature of the game takes over and the first thing she sees is not a dirty rat, but a iog old chicken wing. It reminded my of the old bugs bunny cartoons when bugs and elmer are on a desert island and suddenly elmer turns into a steak or a chicken leg. I swear she did not see a rat, just a cheeseburger. So my new favorite woman beats the little sucker to death and brings home the bacon.
Thanks for the distraction cbs, because it was freaking great. But then its back to survivor, or as it should be called, Russel and some others in Russell's world. Russell says that since he played the idol, there is probably another out there and he is going to find it. I love him. He is already planning how to survive this week. The rest of the team is thinking about the reward challenge and he is thinking game play, all the time. No one els ethere is on the same page as him.
So while five Galu members slide and eat chicken while plotting to take out Russell, Russell is finding the idol. He is amazing. Of course its not just about idols. Luck will run out. If he has to keep finding them, he will lose, so he goes into the next move.
I swear I could see him thinking. We came here down 3 votes. I got rid of one of them by them being distracted with the idol. He played it and they eliminated one of their own, thinking that getting Russell to play the idol was a win. Now he knows he can get out another with his plan, bring Galu to just a single vote lead. But what then. Get Shambo on board and its 5-5. So he goes to work again. I think he has done it.
Of course Laura, who is no slouch in this game, wins again, destroying the plan to oust her. But he does the next best thing, get rid of her stronger girl, leaving her with only Monica as her alliance. I tip my hate to Monica, who had the idea to split the vote to ensure that one of them did not go, but they did not have the votes. they only had seven and needed 5 for Russel. They would never have pulled it off.
Then we begin yet another GREAT tribal counsel. I swear watching Eric glare was fun by itself. Watching Galu implode by talking about how set they are was even more fun. Dave is an idiot. Not only did he dismiss the idea of another idol, he starts talking bad about Erik. Is he even trying to get a vote from him. Erik just kept on punching the air, looking angry. I like him ont eh jury.
After the vote, Russell plays his idol. I swear I thin the world stopped for a second. Galu was just in shock, then flabbergasted. Watching their smug smiles fade into frowns and fear as they realize what was happening was priceless. Once the first vote was read for Russell, he put on a smile knowing that yet again his plan worked. Then it was just a great time watching all of them trying to figure out who was the victim of Russell's plan. Dave looked the most scared. Once the first Kelly vote was read, it all came home. She looked like she was gut punched and Laura seethed that he went after one of her girls. HEr little comment that Russell stirred up a whole lot of hell was right on the money.
So Shambo voted with Galu, but was that part of the plan. I'm sure it was. Russel needs them to thin kshe is on their side still. His next hole card is Shambo. I doubt they will let him find an idol. The preview seems to show Dave and Laura leading a zone style defense to never let Russell be alone to find the idol. I suspect the next plan is to get Shambo to flip. We will see.