If Russell and Co .are Knights, JT and Co. are dumbasses. Getting rid of Tom will cost them the game. Colby and Amanda have the right read on JT, he flip/flops around and makes deals with everyone. I'm calling it now, James goes next on that tribe, because they don't need his vote anymore now that Colby is all alone, but once James goes, JT goes next. He is an idiot. Though I suspect the next immunity challenge will have a none mobile part for James to play again.
The JT/Amanda talk shows how bad JTs position is. Colby does not trust him, Amanda does not trust him. He is a man without a tribe. HE is a tribe of one, and that never works, unless your name is Russell.
I loved the Coach tai chi. I love that they make fun of him right in front of him. I thin coach is insane, and I mean clinically insane. I truly think he believes he was kidnapped by a tribe and was going to be sacrificed or eaten. I truly beleive he thinks he is a leader. I think he lives in another world. Oh yeah, I disagree with Laz on Russell a lot. I think Russell turned aroudn his game last night. His alliance he made with Parv last night will rule the game. Up until now I thought Saundra was in control of the game. But if those two stay together, they run it all. Its be like Rob and Amber in All Star, but without the proposal at the end.
I did feel bad for James. It sucks to lose on an injury. I give credit to Tom and Russell, who rocked in that game. I also finally saw something in Jerri worth applauding. that hit she took Rupert was big and she bounced back. It reminded me of Colby passing on the candy a few minutes earlier. Showing what you have is often about attitude. They both impressed me with those actions.
On the Russell/Coach thing, I agree with yo Laz that it looks weak. Coach is crazy and hard to control. But I think he will be the wildcard in deciding to either back Rob or Russell. If Russell keeps him long enough to oust Rob, then he truns on him, just like the others will do on JT.
Now I've been looking forward to the Rob Russell fight since day one. they bring very different games to the table, but Rob is hands down the best overall player ever. He controls the challenges. I've never seen a better puzzle solver. He is strong and smart. Russell is strong, but never takes the lead at challenges. Rob is the heart and sole of that team. If they lose rob, they will star to lose a lot of challenges. He is an animal.
Now onto tribal. What a terrible call. Get rid of the guy who carried you in the first challenge? Tom was getting two balls and tossing them away form villains all game. He was great. He is strong and he plays hard. James is mean spirited and has not heart. Now his only strength, his physical game, is gone. To me there was no choice here, get rid of the damaged player.
Now this is JT's downfall. All the jumping around. He is not Russell. He is not smart enough to play it off. I predict James' injury won't heal. That knee needs surgery. If they lose, he is the next to go. Tom called it, they needed his vote this week. Now with it being just Colby and maybe Candace, they don;t need James anymore. It was a smart move for Amanda and Rupert, but a bad move for JT. He is on the outs and will never get back in.
Its getting closer and closer to merge, I like what I see.