Dude, he is a freak. Those idols just go to him, even when he is not looking for them. Its insane. I swear, if they were fish, he would stand up in the boat and say, "It's Russell" and 20 fish would jump in the boat and fillet themselves.
I have to also give Jerri a kick in the ass. When she got back, how she did not think she needs to rethink her plans is beyond me. She was not in on it, yet she never thought to circle the wagon's with Courtney and Sandra. Jeri is really just bad at this game. She may be a bitch, but she is a dumb bitch. I have to give Russell credit again though, he played Jerri the right way. He told Jerri that he did not vote for coach and claimed it was a surprise to him too. That was a great move and the first move I've seen him make toward getting votes on the jury. reveals
It was great that the women could school the men in a challenge for a change. I was glad to see Rupert and JT fail. But I have to disagree with my friend Laz again. While Rupert did make the dumb observation and break one of the cardinal rules of never tipping your hand, Russell saw the opening and played it up. Its the real reason why he got rid of coach and the real reason why he acted as he did in the reward challenge. JT saying to Russell hang in there was awesome.
Also, props to Parv for hiding the idol note and hiding the idol from Russell. I loved that scene where Parv is feelign up Danielle to hide the note. Thanks for the gratuitous boo shots Mark.
So then we go back to camp and get the dumbest move in teh history of survivor. James, you are not the dumbest player ever any more. Goign home with two idols in your pocket is dumb, but going home because you gave your idol to someone who you knew nothign about was worse. JT, you deserve to go home. Also, that note was way too grade school.
I was also pleased to see Sandra and Courtney do well in the challenge. It was made for their body types. But again Laz, you just hate Russell. He planted the Russell seed. He played the part to a tee. Part of survivor is seeign openings and playing them the right way. Jerri did nto see the opening last night when she was on the outs with Parv and Danielle. She could have joined with Saundra and courtney and went from teh 4th in a 4 to at least the 3rd in a three and gave herself a chance to finish in the top 3, where anything can happen. She missed the opening and will now be at others' mercy. Russell saw the opening and spent five days acting on it. He saw the removal of coach as a part, his actions at the challenges and it worked. Now he never thought he would have gotten the idol,but his part should not be overlooked. It was his best move this season.
It was a good tribal council. Sandra was in great form. she will be a force in this game. they should have ousted her last night, and that will come back to haunt them. she knows she is 5 on a team of 5, so she will break up that group. I'm sure she realizes that she needs to get the idols played. I bet she sets up JT and Russell to get the idols played and JT of course goes home, but Saundra knows that when she flips, its still 5-4 heroes to villains. Unless Jerri can work on Colby, who is in the same position at Saundra and the most likely to flip, I see the villains going down.
I love it when they go in tied. I see a merge and lots of fun coming. Should be great episodes.