Wow, another GREAT episode is what is turning out to be my favorite season since Outback. This season was amazing.
I love that the show started with the Russell v. Parvati fight over keeping the second immunity idol a secret. this is going to break up that group of three. Russell's decision to keep the other one a secret pissed off Parv more than she will ever let on. It was wasted, just like the extra one was wasted last week. But both were smart plays because Russell SHOULD have been in trouble last night.
But Russell made his most brilliant move of the season by recognizing Sandra as a weak link and getting another vote to hamstring Sandra. I will never understand people like Tysen or Candace who play this game but have absolutely no idea how to do math when it comes to voting. Candace was third in a team of five once Sandra came on. that is the POWER position. She could have chosen the Saundra/Rupert team or tried to unify an Amanda/Colby team. Either way, if they turn the tides last night, she is going to the final three. She gets to the vote and might win $1 million. Instead, she chooses to join an existing five person alliance where she will be 5th or maybe even 6th. How does this possibly make sense to her.
I've got to tip my hat to the old man and lady, the Outback survivor's Colby and Jeri, who both played well enough last night to win a reward and an immunity. Colby has had a weak game this season, and I enjoyed seeing him win something. To be honest, I think he made a mistake in giving up on the clue. I'm not sure what the rules are about clues. I would have stood up, took the clue from Amanda, read it out loud and said, good luck to all of us.
I love that Russell finds the idol in seconds. Next time I think the clue will say, the idol is hidden in the shorts of a short bald contestant. I mean why bother hiding them anymore. Russell played the game as well as he ever has last night. He showed Candice the clue. He reeled her in with that move.
Sandra tried to move. She gave them the way to knock out Parv or Russell and retake control. But Candace was played by Russell to make a bad move, just as Tyson was before.
Tribal was great. Russell does not hide anything. Sandra is untrustworthy. What a thing to say in an open tribal. I love Courtney on the jury. Her faces are great. Overall, I am sorry to see Amanda go, but she got played twice by Parv this season, so it was her time to go.
I think Sandra is setting herself up to win now. As long as she goes in with no heroes, I think she gets a few hero votes. She will surely get Courtney's vote and I think she will get Rupert and Amanda's vote as long as no other heroes are there. She may even get Colby's vote if she plays him well. I think her best bet right no is to go in with Russell and Parv and let them split Coach, Danielle, JT and Jeri and Saundra collect the rest. If that girl is not eliminated soon, she is going to win. Parv and Russell will make a huge mistake in focusing on each other in the next week or two and not gettign out the people that can win at jury. Sandra is setting herself up to win.
I think we will see Russell keep the alliance together for one more week to take out a hero, probably colby. Once he is out, then he can flip on Danielle and Parv. they have to see this coming, and will flip on him. I can;t wait to see who wins. and if they do this and let Sandra go around behind the scenes locking up jury votes, the two of them are going to watch her collect another million dollars.
Laz is right, this season is turning out to be great.