Edited on Thu Oct-14-10 02:11 AM by lazarus
Marty is the biggest idiot who ever idioted.
Now that I have that out of the way:
Tyrone needed a lesson from James in banana etiquette, apparently. He didn't appear to take all that much meat. He got one scrawny wing, and picked the carcass clean. And why did they pick a hen instead of the rooster? The hens lay eggs; roosters don't. And plucking the chicken is much easier if you scald it first in water that's about 190 degrees for ten seconds. I've done it myself, and it's a lot of work if you skip the scalding.
I was so hoping we'd seen the last of Na Onka. Amazing that Alina has the class to sympathize with her after her attitude on La Flor.
Edited to add: It's interesting that Na Onka is getting more support and comfort from total strangers who need her for their alliance than she got from people she knew in her regular life during a traumatic divorce. You think there might be a reason for that? Also interesting is the new edit Na got tonight. When she's away from Jud and Kelly B, she's apparently a decent person that people get along with.
She just has this unreasoning hatred of those two.
This season has basically become the Marty/Na Onka show, and I'm tired of it. Neither of them is a decent player, neither of them has a chance of winning. My money is now on Brenda or Ben, with Chase as a dark horse. I can't see any way a member of the old Espada wins this thing.
So we're back to two challenges now. That IC was amusing, but I didn't realize they'd stop with one ball. I thought it would be more amusing, and much tougher, if they only got one shot with the ball, then had to reset the pipe and fill it again. But that may have been dangerous, as I think the ladies were getting a bit tired of being dunked. Espada figured out a good plan, but Jeffrey spoiled it, as he's wont to do. I miss the early seasons, when in-challenge commentary was rare, and the story was told through chirons.
Speaking of Jeffrey, he's really gotten obsessed with tribes' having leaders the last two or three years, hasn't he? It first got bad in Gabon, iirc, when he made that one tribe elect GC as leader.