Well, that was confusing. I don't know why they didn't just go ahead and vote Marty out. Now he's in the merge with room to maneuver. Probably won't amount to anything, but he's shown a lot more willingness to strategize than Jill has.
Why couldn't they do the Reward Challenge in the ocean? That made no sense.
Good challenge for the Immunity. Team work and intelligence played a big role in that one.
Kelly S finally got her first confessional of the season, seven episodes in. She's the most invisible player in the history of the show right now.
I think the young players are doing well on both tribes, for the most part. The "minority alliance" was split up, but somehow cobbled together a majority on each tribe. Very well done. Now, let's see how they merge their disparate secondary alliances and establish a pecking order.
This is where Marty has a chance in the game. He can pull people who are the bottom of each sub-alliance together into an alliance that threatens the core of Chase, Brenda, Kelly S, and Na Oinka. I guess Ben is in there, too. Jane is a lost cause for some reason that the editors chose not to show us, but that just makes six out of twelve. It's unlikely, but Marty could pull the other six together and really cause some fireworks.
Probably won't happen, but still.