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Survivor 21 Ep 9: "Running The Camp"

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lazarus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-11-10 03:17 AM
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Survivor 21 Ep 9: "Running The Camp"
Prediction: Jane goes next. Sash and Brenda start flipping back and forth between the two alliances, taking out the threats first, and taking Na Onka as a goat to F3. I'd leave Holly and Dan to last, as they're no threat at all to win immunity.

So, we should see a solid 5 emerge of Sash, Brenda, Na Onka, Holly, and Dan. That's how I'd play it.

The random draw that resulted in men vs women at the RC is just one of those things. Remember in All Stars when they switched tribes, and every person on each tribe flipped, except for Amber? It would have been a much more interesting challenge if the sexes were more evenly distributed.

I get the idea that this season is more unpleasant to participate in than most. It's certainly been unpleasant to watch, for the most part, although it's picking up.

I wonder who Jane will vote for now that Marty's gone? :D

As for the previews, my wife, Haele, thinks she heard something in the background that sounded like ash falling, indicating that their camp burned down. It's happened before, during Season 6 in the Amazon.
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Rosie1223 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-11-10 09:13 AM
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1. How can you tell there is going to be a final 3?
Sometimes there is just a final 2.

As for the disaster at camp, I would lol if Naonka did something to mildly sabotage something and ended up burning the camp down.

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lazarus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-11-10 01:01 PM
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2. usually
there is a final three when the jury starts at 12.
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lpbk2713 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-11-10 03:22 PM
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3. That would not surprise me re Naonka.

It has probably finally sunk in to her that the only reason she is still there is because everyone wants to go to the finals with her. She might have thought she had a slim chance up until lately but it was a couple of weeks ago when she was telling everyone she wanted to go home when the others convinced her to stay, no doubt thinking they were her friends. She probably did some sort of sabotage to the food or equipment to get herself out of there. Too bad she will be on the jury though. This girl is the dimmest bulb I have seen in a long time. It really bothers me to think she's a teacher and as such is a potential role model to students assigned to her.

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romana Donating Member (240 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-12-10 02:38 PM
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4. Na Onka
I agree, we are stuck with NaOnka and her stupid shenanigans until the bitter end. I hope parents watching the way she behaves refuse to allow her anywhere near her children. She is a horrible role model. And those smug faces she keeps making in tribal council always make me want to slap her silly.

I can't say I'm sorry to see Marty gone.
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