Edited on Thu Dec-02-10 03:16 AM by lazarus
SZJ, that was ridiculous.
I almost (almost) understand why Caustic Soda (NaOH, get it?) quit. Having anemia can cause pain. But you're telling me Dan isn't in greater pain? He can barely stand up! She's just a child, and she showed that with her incredibly selfish move at the end of the Reward Challenge.
Speaking of sacrifices, Holly just made herself a huge F3 threat.
Back to NaOH: I now believe she is the most vile person to ever be on Survivor. Worse than Li'l Russell, because Russell would never quit. He was delusional, but he was playing to win. She was just a force of chaos in the game that was only out to ruin other people, then leave when things got tough.
BTW, she's dating Dreamz, from Survivor Fiji. I can't think of a more fitting pairing.
On to Kelly. She quit for one simple reason: She wasn't on the right side of the numbers, so she was taking her ball and going home. I've known a lot of people who simply quit when they're losing, and they're all incredibly immature. She will regret this later in life, while I don't think Na Onka will ever understand what a horrid person she is.
This marks the 4th episode without an Immunity Challenge, iirc. There was Episode 6 in Australia when Mike Skupin fell in the fire. Episode 5 in Palau, both tribes went to TC, and Koror, the winners of the RC, gave Immunity to Ibrehem. Finally, episode 6 in Samoa when Other Russell fainted during the IC, so it was cancelled.
On the game itself, I'm loving this right now. Alliances are fluid, everyone's playing everyone else, nobody's a clear target. It's seriously anybody's game. I'm pulling for Jud, as he's a lot smarter than he's playing (yes, he's playing dumb, imo) and is a serious challenge threat. He totally threw the IC last episode, as soon as Brenda was out.
This is shaping up to be wild finish.
One side note: The product placement was anvilicious, wasn't it? The hour started off with a commercial for that silly looking film, then it was the Reward. I don't remember ever having a challenge themed to a product placement reward before. There have been product placements (DO-ritos, anyone? Or those Survivor trivia themed Pringles?), but I can't recall a time it affected the challenge itself. Let's not do that again, mkay?
On edit: There have been a couple of challenges that involved construction, where the prize was tools from Sears or Home Depot. Definitely in ASS, but I think in a couple of other seasons.
This episode was pleasantly light on Jane, whom I despise with the fire of a thousand suns.
So, here's where things stand, if the editors aren't playing tricks with us (Kelly almost quit early in the game? Really? Thanks for showing us that!).
Jud, Benry, and Dan are a triad. Jane, Holly, and Chase are a triad. Each triad thinks Sash is on their side.
Sash has three real choices, all of them dangerous: 1. He can ally with J/B/D, of whom two are serious challenge threats, and be on the bottom of the totem pole. 2. He can ally with J/H/C, two of whom are serious challenge threats again, and two of whom (Jane and Holly) are serious F3 jury threats. He would, again, be on the bottom of the totem pole. 3. The most dangerous of all, but the one with the biggest payoff, is to swing vote himself into the F3. This require allying with one side, booting someone from the other side, then flipping back, always taking out challenge/jury threats, leaving himself in F3 with Dan and either Chase or Benry. It would be very difficult if Jud is the challenge monster I think he is.
He has the advantage/curse of known possession of one HII. Chase's is presumably a secret. It's entirely possible the troikas will band together for one vote to take him out as too dangerous. Also, swing votes tend to get voted out if it's too obvious that's what they're doing.
I think Sash is voted out next, then the two triads battle it out at F6. I don't think either triad is smart enough to rope Sash in for one vote, then blindside him, although that's what they should do.
One last edit: How funny was that sound effect when Kelly said she couldn't suck anymore? I rewound and played that one a couple of times.