When Franquesqua was voted off in the first episode, her torch was smuffed, but she wasn't out of the game. She went to Redemption Island, where she had a very primitive shelter, basic equipment like flint and a machete, and gets a small daily ration of rice.
Matt was voted out second. He spent one night on RI with Franceskwa, and then they had a duel. The duel in this case was a return of my second favourite challenge ever*, Jail Break. They were behind barred walls with sticks and strings. They had to put together the sticks into long poles to retrieve three keys on posts in front of the doors, unlock the doors, and go through. Matt won, so Francheskey left the game for good.
Now Russhole is on Redemption Island, and this coming episode will feature a duel between him and Matt. The loser will leave the game for good, whilst the winner will stay to continue competing in duels. At some unstated time in the future, the winner will return to the game.
Most people believe this will happen at the merge, and that will be it for RI. I think Probst has been hinting since the season began that there will be more than one person coming back, and that we'll have a second stage of Redemption Island after the merge, with the winner coming back at F5. I'm completely unspoiled, by the way, as usual, so this is just wild speculation on my part.
One thing I'm disliking is that each tribe selects two people at random to go observe the duel. I want it to be a complete surprise when the survivor comes back. It could be a "crap, we just voted him off" reaction, or a "who is that? Does anyone remember her?" reaction, but it'd be better than knowing all along.
*My favourite challenge ever is the vertical maze from the F4 of Vanuatu. I think it's the biggest build they've ever done for a challenge, too.