This show is just starting it's fourth season but I'm just discovering it... and what an awesome show it is. I had heard over and over how great it was but really did not know much about it, so I went into it kind of cold. Right now I am just starting the second season and it is quickly becoming one of my all time favorite shows.
Minor spoilers ahead.
The show is about a middle aged guy that was a chemistry wiz when he was younger but now finds himself a high school chemistry teacher. He finds out he has terminal lung cancer and decides that in order to pay for treatment as well as provide for his family after he is gone, he is going to become a meth cooker/wholesaler. The main cast of characters include:
His wife - Pregnant and concerned about him and how the family is falling apart. His son - Has some kind of physical dis-ability... if they mentioned exactly what it is. His wifes sister - A kleptomaniac and general all around nasty person. The sisters husband - DEA agent that enjoys his work just a little too much. His partner - Also his former high school student. He is supposed to be the "street smart" end of the partnership but is a total bonehead.
The show is dark, serious and also one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. If you are not watching this, I can't recommend it enough, really good shit :D