So we started our 23rd season of Survivor. WOW. So there are sixteen new castaways and two old ones. We've got Coach and Ozzy coming out of a helicopter and from the get go, one players tells Jeff that they are "temporary players." Let me start my analysis by saying, what a TERRIBLE move for Christine. You always play your cards close to your vest. She just hung it out there and she may be in the minority. I think she is going to be a poor player and will probably go soon. While I hope she is right, that Coach and Ozzy go early, I think she will be not far behind. Also, I think Cochran is like the most annoying tribe member yet. Not his personality, his manerisms. He is so quirky with his speech and movement that I want to shake him.
Alright, so the tribes are 1) the Upolu tribe made up of Coach, Rick, Stacey, Brandon (Little Russell), Sophie, Albert, Edna, Mikayla and Christine; and 2) the Savaii tribe with Ozzy, Dawn, Mark, Elyse, Jim, Semhar, Keith, Whitney and Cochran.
I liked the first challenge. It was great to see both "old" players turn to the tribes for help. Its clear that Savaii has an edge on teh mental game, while Upolu seems stronger.
Trust CBS to start the game with some underwear swimming. I was surprised to see Cochran make such a big deal of himself. He is really not all that weak. He is certainly not a body builder, but he is no 98-lb weakling. He needs ot stop calling attention to his weaknesses.
I already dislike Little Russell. I think he made a big mistake in not either coming up with a better lie about his name or coming clean. He should have just walked around without the shirt and when asked said his name but denied the relationship, or he should have admitted and said that he is nothing like his uncle.
Over on team-Ozzy, Dawn just needs to go. She is a mess and is going to hurt this tribe.
So Coach gets his Upolu Five alliance of Albert, Brandon, Sophie, Rick and Coach together. They exclude Stacey, whose failure to find the Immunity Idol clue when it was in her hand tells me a lot about her chances, along with Edna who I thought was coach's friend and Mikayla (who really is one beautiful woman).
Upolu wins the IC, but more so because Semhar could not sink a single basket and that she gave up. IMO, the worst was giving up. If she had run back and forth and shot as many as she could, maybe she would have got one. But she looked for someone to help her. She begged to trade out. She just failed when the only thing you can do is give 100%. I know Ozzy wanted to keep her, but it was an easy choice. Dawn and Cochran may be weak, but they both gave their bodies to that IC. Thats what you do in the beginning.
I LOVED That it was 90 minutes. I hope they do this every season to open. I like the tribes. I think this will be a good season.