But then again, I don't know what the plan is either. I'm loving how the story is being told and every actor in it. Jessica Lange is seriously taking it to the hilt, I'm surprised and waiting to be surprised by what she says and does next. I think this first episode packed an incredible punch and see, at least, for 1 season the story will be tight in mystery, horror, depravity, what-kind-of-beings-do-we-have-here action, and really fine acting in this seeming hell hole.
My goodness, I'm wondering if the other characters - besides Lange, her daughter and the housekeeper - are in on whatever is going on with the family. I mean the teen boy-patient doesn't have an SSN number and feels free to wander the house. The previous owner, deformed by burns, I think I saw him smiling after the current homeowner stormed off, following his heartfelt warning. That creeped me out. Everybody in this house is being possessed in one way or another.
I hope the second episode doesn't disappoint because the first was satisfying to me.