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Survivor South Pacific - Episode 9

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dr.strangelove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-10-11 08:42 AM
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Survivor South Pacific - Episode 9
I wish Cochran has a little more spine. I would have walked out of that tribal saying, you see how you are treating me right now, this is why I flipped on you. Its how you have treated me since day 1. I don;t regret it for a minute.

Let me also say, Holy Cow they crammed a lot into this episode. I really liked it this way. they got to the meat of it and avoided a lot of the filler nonsense. But I wish I had seen more of the camp before the Ozzy vote. Anyway, double eviction last night. Two great episodes shoved into an hour. I hope they do not do this too frequently, but it was a nice change of pace. Very exciting.

So after tribal, Cochran tries to tell Ozzy why he did what he did, then Ozzy and team Ozzy call him a loser. Jim acts like the jerk that he can be, which is why this happened to him. If only one of them had told Cochran that he was in their final plan. If only Cochran had something to cling to, something to stay for. Instead it was only Dawn that gave him a reason to be nice. But more on Dawn later.

I was saddened by Cochran's excuse. He says he didn't watch this game for 10 years to be taken out by a rock. He says he did it to ensure his survival. I think he did it because he knew he had no chance at winning and he did not want one of the bullies on his tribe to win. He wanted a reckoning and he got it.

Okay, so the episode was on fast forward. We get an individual challenge which Jim wins by having a big mouth and because Sophie breathed in a little coconut milk. Jim thinks he can convince the other side to oust Cochran. When it is clear he can not, his promise to give the idol necklace to Ozzy gets dropped and we lose Ozzy. But Ozzy does not mind, he is going to club med with his buddy Keith. they bake in the sun and ozzy catches some giant whale which they grill up. Then before you can turn around, its time for another challenge.

This was awesome. If anyone wants to sit out, they can eat sweets while the others suffer. So Upolu and Cochran sit out and enjoy life while watching the losers play for another day at camp coach. Jim drops and knows he is going home. Dawn tries a little too hard to get in the good graces of the other tribe. there is some thought to get rid of her, but in the end, its Jim who joins Ozzy and Jim at club med.

Overall it was boring as Upolo needs to pick off a few more people. I think once they get rid of Whitney, there will be a move within the Upolo to oust one of their own. If Cochran and Dawn can convince people they are a solid twosome. I don;t think albert or coach has the control that rob had last season to prevent someone realizing the best way to win is to take out coach or albert.
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truebrit71 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-10-11 10:57 AM
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1. Loved the double T.C.
..bummer that Keith/Ozzy/Jim have to duel it out next week...looks like some members of Team Coach are going to set up a move..about time that they figured out that if you aren't Edna, or Brandon, Coach won't take you to the final three...I am still waiting for the episode when Brandon finds out that Coach has been lying to him...THAT tribal could be epic...

Almost no jesus-bothering tonight which was without doubt the biggest relief of all...

Next week is going to be fun..
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lazarus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-10-11 07:02 PM
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2. good editing call on the double boot
large casts require two double boots, so we knew this was coming, but the timing was perfect, as it shortened the pagonging.

I kind of buy Cochran's excuse vis a vis the PRoD. You never know what's going to happen in this game. But I would never want to go home because I pulled a purple rock. For Cochran (and me, if I was healthy enough to play this game), the experience is a big part of it. He knew he'd be knocked out of RI quickly, so his best bet for surviving longer and experiencing more of the game is to flip. The fact that it punished the bullies and helped his new friends was secondary, in my opinion.

Dawn annoys me. She can't decide if she's going to play the game or not, and how to play it if she does. She needs to go.

Whitney annoyed me, crying because she's been "vilified". No tears when she was laying into Cochran about being disgusting, though.

Jim might have made more headway if he hadn't acted the ass after the flip.

Coach is a pleasant surprise, gawd talk aside. Anybody notice he has prayer beads? Those are new. He may have actually had a conversion or something irl. But he's showing a perceptiveness and canniness that were missing his previous appearances. He's going to win if Albert doesn't do something soon. I'd make my move at F7. He's got Sophie, he could probably pull Cochran, and he'd definitely get Whitney if he can get Dawn out next. Dawn may not go for it, for reasons I can't quite pin down in my mind. I think she'd think it's "dirty play" or something. But she may go for it.

And it has to be Coach they blindside. If they try to weaken him by taking out Edna, it will just alert him to the problem.

I think Coach thinks the perfect F4 would be him, Edna, Brendan, and Cochran. He wins the challenge easily, and can try to gauge jury sentiment as to which two goats to take.

Hey, did y'all know there's a "Rick" this season? I think he's a cowboy or something.
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Phentex Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-11-11 07:36 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. Yes to all. And Dawn had her chance but showed true colors...
Flipping now won't do her any good. She is still behind the others in the lineup. First she said she would do the challenge to let them eat and then she admitted she needed the immunity. They aren't showing us everything, but I think she's a goner.

The bullies like Whitney always have the nerve to say they are being picked on once the shoe's on the other foot. I think if anyone had ever watched this show before, they'd realize it's best NOT to be so smug even when the numbers seem to be in your favor.
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Suich Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-10-11 07:56 PM
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3. What I would like to see happen, but won't,
is for Dawn, Whitney, Edna and Sophie form an alliance, along with Cochran, and pick off Coach, Albert, Rick and Brendon. It will definitely keep Cochran and the women in the game longer, because you know Dawn and Whitney are next to go. I haven't figured out yet what to do about Ozzy, Keith and Jim, because I have no idea what they're going to do with the people at RI! I also haven't factored in the Immunity Idol because I don't know how it fits in!

I thought Jim's remark, "Hey, I thought we were going to be the final 3," when he got to RI was pretty funny. They are all victims of "Outwit, Outplay and Outlast," but it may take them a while to figure it out.
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romana Donating Member (240 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-11-11 08:21 AM
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5. Let the pagongng commence
I agree with Cochran about not wanting to go out with the rock. That wasn't his entire reason, and I wish he'd owned it more, however.

Jim crashed and burned this week, which is a shame, because he was playing a good game up until now. He allowed his emotions to take over and that is never a good thing in Survivor. I was not sorry to see him go.

I laughed at Whitney's crocodile tears over being vilified. Please.

As for Dawn, I have had absolutely no use for her since she spent an entire episode crying. I lost all respect for her when she got all righteous about how Cochran had been treated and then changed her tune as soon as she had immunity. She's useless.

I have to say, Coach has played a good game so far. It's not perfect, but he's managing to keep his alliance together through this phase of the game and is clearly in charge. If Albert and Sophie want to make a move, it's going to have to be to blindside Coach. Going after Edna will just alert him.

Rick is getting completely ignored, isn't he? It's weird.

I've never been an Ozzy fan, and quite honestly I hope he goes away soon. I don't think he's played a good game at all here.

We're certainly heading toward an Upolo F3, unless Coach decides to take Cochran as a goat. I do think Coach is going to go all the way to the end.
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Ohio Joe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-12-11 12:43 PM
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6. Whoever can bring Cochran and/or Dawn to the end should win it
The preview for next week made it look like they are going to try and usurp what control Coach has, which is a good move.

I'd like to see Jim win the contest in the three way at redemption, he has the most entertainment value :D
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