I don't usually play videos because my Dial-Up is so slow, but I knew I had to see this one.
I called
Starkraven in to see the video. We watched it several times....smiled and laughed.
Starkraven said, "
Oooo, we gotta get some Buffs. They're beautiful". We also noticed the the Red seemed more
aggressive then the others. Our Reds are too. They are the first to come running when called, and
snatch food from the others more often, though they all will do this given the opportunity.
Ours DO eat Sunflower seeds, but it isn't their favorite. They eat them last.
Their favorites are meat scraps, eggshell, live bugs, and fresh corn on the cob.
I watched one of our hens chase a small bird yesterday. She didn't catch it, but came close.
I am surprised at how carnivorous they are. I now have no doubt that they are the direct descendants of the carnivorous dinosaurs.
We lost one of our hens to the neighbor's dogs last week. I was watching from the house at the time, and was able to chase the off dogs or we would have lost more. It freaked me out, and really,
really pissed me off.
We now leave them in the chicken yard protected by a 6' chicken wire fence, and only let them out when a "lifeguard" is on duty. The
chicken yard is very large, and I'm expanding it even more today. They have plenty of room, but I miss having them in the yard all day. OTOH, the front flower gardens are recovering.
Last week was hard on the chickens. In addition to the dogs, a possum was INSIDE the coop one evening when I went to close then in at sunset. The next night, a 6' gopher (rat) snake was on the roosting bar in the coop. The possum was
dispatched, and the gopher snake was relocated several miles away.
We now have 7 hens and
Elvis the Rooster. They are giving us 5 - 7
delicious eggs/day....more than we can eat. In addition to the eggs, they are a source of endless entertainment. We love our birds. They are much more intelligent than we expected, and they have individualized personalities. We had not planned to name them, but they all have names now.
ElvisPied Piper:hi: