Watch this pile of horseshit coming the the Crazy one himself.
Small Farms and Gardens Destroyed by HR 875: The Food Safety Modernization Act. Glenn BeckIt's also very intersting to hear the misinformation coming from the NICFA Speaker, who seems to be located in a very busy office, even though the NICFA's own website claims that it is an affiliation of state run associations. The speaker clearly and blatantly mixes up "Food Production Facility" with "Food Establishment", which is the real entity that will be subject to meaningful regulations regarding the safety of the products they process.
She confidently defines Food Production Facility according to the definitions in HR 875, but fails to mention that the regulation explicity regulates "Food Establishments", like Cargill, General Mills, Kelloggs, Yum Foods, ADM, and all the other manufacturers that supply products to the Processed food industry. Believe me, they are scared to death that they might be held accountable for the cheap Chinese Lye they bought in bulk for pennies per ton, which was manufactured using a Mercury anode in a huge vat, which produced Lye contaminated with mercury, which ultimately was used to process hundreds of tons of Corn in a secretive High Fructose Corn Syrup Refinery.
Unlike these people on this video, and all of the rest of the scaremongers, I actually read the bill and support it 100 percent. There is nothing in it that would affect me, as I tend to rely on a well thought out process to manage my business of growing and producing food.
If I were to become a "Food Establishment", like say baking pies from the fruit grown in my orchard, it would be childs play to create the necessary system to track where the ingrediants came from for the pie, and create a hazard document that outlines that the Pie would need to be refrigerated after cooking. No big deal.
The strange thing about this campaign is that they are so far off base, claiming that it would make organic farms illegal is amazingly wrong, and I wonder why on earth they could think they could get away with it.
Well, it people actually believe Glenn Beck, they they may have a chance to foist yet another misinformation campaign on the sheeple.