"The Organic Production Survey is a direct response to the growing interest in organics among consumers, farmers, and businesses," said Vilsack. "This is an opportunity for organic producers to share their voices and help ensure the continued growth and sustainability of organic farming in the United States."
I have no doubt Tom will be the friendliest advocate at Secretary of Agriculture that the Organic farmers and eaters have ever had. In fairness that isn't saying much. The Organics industry has not had Secretaries friendly toward their industry ever in my recollection. I think this recognition is driven more by the consumer than anything else. I have been excited about a coming transformation in Agriculture since the day Tom was named.
I know many of you believe the propaganda that was spewed in DU about Tom before he was picked. I've known Tom since the late eighties when he was a small town mayor. I also know Big Ag. hated him....and still does. I work with these people everyday....
Joe Biden had a very well thought out and comprehensive plan for agriculture when he ran for President. I hope this leads to using some of Joe's ideas too. I see they are considering the transitional farmers.....and that was the strength of Joe's plan.
I see good things ahead...