That's progress.
I have a garage full of stuff that was perfectly good when it became obsolete. The ice box is joined by a closet full of 35mm cameras and lenses, stacks of typewriters and word processors, boxes of dial phones, princess phones and cell phones, beta max tapes and players, there's a record player that has to be cranked, a gazillion radios; portables and desk models, Walkmans, game controllers and games, some 8 track sound equipment and tapes, cassette tapes and players, super 8 movies and projector, a pile of B&W TVs with a pile of color TVs and a mountain of computers, drives, scanners, printers, programs and devices to keep them company. There are buggy whips and steel wheeled roller skates that clamp to your shoes. Several one-speed bicycles with balloon tires hang from the walls. A coal furnace and an oil burner keep company with several kerosene heaters and a wood stove that were all replaced by solar panels. The fur and leather outfits that were replaced by woolie underwear are joined by a Nehru jacket, Beatle boots, tie died shirts, gigantic ear phones and polyester leisure suits.
All good. All worked fine and all were replaced by something better.