Organic Egg Brands Are Factory Farms in Disguise?
— By Kiera Butler
| Mon Oct. 4, 2010 2:30 AM PDT
— Flickr/daisybush
The chickens pictured on the egg producer Chino Valley Ranchers' Simply Organic site look pretty happy. And from the description of their digs, it sounds like they'd have good reason to be: "When you walk into the chicken houses and you see all the birds scratching around in the dirt, running around, flapping their wings and hear the soft clucking from each of them, you can feel their contentment," the copy below the little fuzzballs reads. "It is the way nature intended."
An industrial henhouse jam-packed with 36,000 birds, on the other hand, is probably not "the way nature intended." But that is exactly what investigators from the organic food advocacy group Cornucopia Institute found when they visited a Wisconsin henhouse that supplies Chino Valley Ranchers with organic eggs.
Lots of links and info about LOCAL farms.
I was disappointed to find how many of the well known brands are really factory farms. Guess it figures..if they can afford MSM advertizing..they cannot be small family farms.