Wonder if this is also true in the US?
From ABC Mid North Coast
http://www.abc.net.au/news/items/200607/1681013.htm?midnorthcoastReport finds country people digging deepest for charity (ACDT)Friday, 7 July 2006. 07:03 (AWST)
A philanthropic organisation says tax office figures suggest people in rural New South Wales are more charitable than their city counterparts.
A Queensland University of Technology reports says it is "unexpected" that 9.5 percent of the nation's income tax exempt charities are in rural areas of New South Wales and the ACT when those areas house less than 3 per cent of the population.
"Part of the problem with living in the city is you commute back and forth from work every day and you may not even really see or understand some of the social issues that are around you," she said.
"I think we live quite insulated lives in the city whereas I think perhaps in rural areas you can see what happens and you can more directly get involved, perhaps."
Has anyone in the US done a similar study a DUer can link to? I'll also search myself. I think this is an interesting study of human behavior.