Edited on Mon Dec-12-05 12:45 PM by cmt928
in fact, I don’t like it much so far.
When I was in the “single digits” in the 1950’s, I thought about being age 50 in the year 2000 when the new century arrived. I wondered if that day would ever come (that was such a long time away) and how the world around me would be. I saw Sci-Fi movies - didn’t think it would be like that, but tried my hardest to figure out how it may end up. I don’t think I had even a remote concept of how to imagine the future.
In my early teen years, being invincible, the year 2000 was so far off that I didn’t think about it. In the late 1960’s being a rebellious hippie-type, I ran away to get married (just under 19). I remember wanting to see the future filled with communes, peace, love and food sources with fewer chemicals.
My twenties brought about so many changes in my life for many of the years that I was consumed with trying to salvage a good life (with 3 children & not much money). This did not allow me much time to think of the future.
In my 30’s during the 1980’s I hit an age that I always dreamed as being my favorite age, 33. And although we weren’t rich, life was beginning to be good, but started to go by too fast - the theory of relativity began to make sense. My kids would have to start high school and then college in this decade. I began to think about how old my kids would be when the year 2000 came instead of what my age would be. I dreamt of cities that were modern & clean, where they would get good jobs so their lives would be easier. I didn’t think about wars anymore.
The 1990’s showed up and began to turn my hope of the future. My daughter’s boyfriend joined the Mariners during the time when the “world seemed at peace” and the wall came down in Berlin. Then Kuwait was invaded. He was killed – one of a small number, but that didn’t lessen the blow any. There began my disillusionment. Then my stable-working 46 yr old husband who had been at the same company for 25 years was promised a “rose garden” if he would go work for another company to provide a solution for their “Y2K” problem. This caused major changes in our lives, but there was the “rosy” 21st Century promised to us.
Then 2000 arrived along with Dubya. The economy first began to sour and it was obvious that this president wasn’t doing much to help it. He had been in office only a few months when our 401K began to lose a lot of money; when my husband’s new company began to have sales down like a lead balloon; when the country began to have layoffs and unemployment began to rise. And OMG – The Towers came down. And Dubya and his misadministration began to talk of “going to get them”. And as my husband had said so many times during the 2000 Presidential Campaign, that Dubya was going to get us into a war with Iraq, was coming true. My husband’s job was lost – he had accomplished what they hired him for and in the economic conditions of the year of 2001 after September 11, was let go. A war was started without thought how to end it or the cost in dollars and lives. Greed took over and CEO’s and the economy ravaged their company's stock, 401s and people’s future. The war in Iraq, which is not the war on terror, began taking lives and futures of young men and women, destroying families whose loved ones had dedicated their service to a National Guard without thought of having to fight for this warmonger! And since, nothing in the new century, in this first decade, has me feeling good about our country and the people who run it. I am sorely disappointed in what the future I dreamed about most of my life has brought: war, greed, division of people and governments, bombings, freedoms lost, torture, more greed, hopelessness for the poor, debt for our children and grandchildren, radical right-wing groups dictating what MY country should be, how to teach my grandchildren, what should be important to us according to their values (which are proving to be nothing to be proud of) without regard to MY values.
This is not my father’s country, the country he fought for during WWII; this is not the country I wanted in the 21st Century!
On Edit: added my father's service