OK, there are worse problems to have, but here's the story.
We're talking about doing a five- or six-day rafting trip next summer, and since we already did a desert trip a few years back, we thought we'd head for the Northwest. So, it's come down to the following rivers: the Owyhee, the Salmon (Middle, Main or Lower), the Snake and the Rogue.
I'm totally flummoxed, since I'd happily float them all, and in sequence, too, but time doesn't allow that pleasant option. My wife's a bit less of a river rat, but then, we all have imperfections . . .
Any stories you can tell, outfitters you can recommend (or not!) or other tidbits would be deeply appreciated! Other than the fact Owyhee is generally a May or June river, we're not limited as to when we'd be heading out next year.