I've been reading Josh Marshall since before he started Talking Points Memo...and so I don't want to be angry with him about this. I respect his writing and like much about TPM and what he's trying to achieve with the site. But, he has given very little coverage to Edwards (which many of his readers have been complaining about) and none that I've seen to Kucinich except for this very snarky mention in his Blog today.
I was shocked to find this up on TPM...under Josh's byline. I thought when I saw the headline it was a joke from some RW Hate Blog. Sadly, it wasn't.
I just now
politely e-mailed Josh mentioning to him the PDA Survey and how it wasn't a poll that one could vote in over and over just to pump Kucinich, but a poll for registered members. And, I did point out to him that it was surprising to see him refer to his those of his TPM Kucinich supporting readers as "Simple Minded."
Maybe some PDA Supporters could give him some more information and try to help him understand how offensive his post was. He even says he's part of the "Reality Based Community" which creeped me out because it's a Bush term.
Kucinich Preying on Simple Minds01.17.08 -- 4:37PM
By Josh Marshall
It's actually kind of sad seeing Dennis Kucinich stooping so low as to bamboozle his devoted followers. I suppose there are many reasons to love Dennis Kucinich. And yet poll leader is really not one of them. Admittedly he has consistently outpolled Mike Gravel. But I'm pretty sure he hasn't outpolled any of the other Democrats in the race. Nor should we forgot that that tally includes public support powerhouses like Sens. Dodd and Biden. And yet in the last few days we've started getting a steady stream of emails from Kucinich supporters asking why we don't publish the polls where Kucinich is in the lead. In fact, one reader said that all the polls she's seen have Dennis in the lead and we're no better than the MSM for keeping them secret.
So I asked one of the emailers what the deal was and I was directed to this section of the Kucinich website entitled "The polls you may have missed."
more of this and Josh's Screen Capture of Polls on Kucinich's Website...and stuff