Immediate Release
Monday, December 6, 2004
Kucinich: “The Iraqis Will Not Be Handed Freedom Based On Lies”
Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, gave the following speech today on the House floor:
“Nearly thirteen hundred brave American men and women have sacrificed their lives in Iraq. Yet the central reasons for the US invasion have fallen apart: Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. No proof that Iraq was instrumental with Al Queda’s role in 9/11. Iraq was not trying to get nuclear materials from Niger. This Administration misled the Congress, misled the American people, violated international law, directed the bombings of populated areas, the disruption of water, sewer and electrical service, ordered house to house fighting, and now the civilian toll, by one account, is over 100,000 Iraqi civilians perished. Why?
“Freedom, if it is to be obtained anywhere, must be advanced under the standard of truth. The Iraqis will not be handed freedom based on lies. Nor will our own nation preserve our own freedoms if we continue to accept the basis for our continued occupation of Iraq.
“This Administration must be held accountable under our constitution and under international law for the disaster it has visited upon Iraq. Only the truth can clean the stain on our nation’s conscience.”