THE OLYMPIAN Thurston County Democrats voted unanimously this week to elect John Cusick as chairman, replacing Jackie Barrett-Sharar, who stepped down after a two-year term.
Cusick, owner and founder of Computer Network Solutions, had served as vice chairman. Cusick was an activist supporting Dennis Kucinich for president, but later threw his energies behind nominee John Kerry.
Overall, party members made a clean sweep, installing a completely new slate of officers: Debby Pattin, first vice chair; Randy Scott, 2nd vice chair; Jeff Holcomb, secretary; Jane Johnson, treasurer; Linda Lombard, state committeewoman; Joel Staloch, state committeeman.
"I wouldn't say there's a new direction, but a lot of new people have become involved in the Democratic Party, and there's a lot of energy there," Cusick said. The newcomers "would like to see a strong, locally based community organization that people want to join."
Barrett-Sharar could not be reached for comment. Longtime state committeewoman Helen Carlstrom, who also was replaced, said the old guard decided it was time for new people to step in and take over.
Lombard beat out Karen Bowen to replace Carlstrom, who did not run again for state committeewoman, and Staloch beat out Walt Bowen, who ran for re-election as state committeeman.
"We're re-energized, with a whole new slate of people who themselves were very active during the campaigns and were more or less brought into the party by this presidential election," Carlstrom said.