Dennis, we know you are against and Democrats are against the presidents's proposal on Social Security. But what are you guys for?
KUCINICH: Well, first of all, I'm guessing that the president won't be dishing up yellow cake at the State of the Union this time.
But if he dishes up the -- a plan to privatize Social Security, he's going in the wrong direction, for this reason. Social Security doesn't have a crisis. The crisis is a political one, not an economic one. Social Security, according to Social Security Administration actuaries, is rock solid through the year 2042.
BUCHANAN: So let's punt and let someone else worry about this? KUCINICH: According to the Congressional Budget Office, rock solid through 2052 without any changes whatsoever. It can pay 100 percent of benefits. This idea about Social Security
BUCHANAN: So you have no plan, no plan? Do nothing?
KUCINICH: Wait a minute. My plan is to make sure that it isn't privatized.
You know what this is like? This is just like WMDs. They said there were WMDs. The sky is falling. They're doing it again. They're trying to take away the American people, the one program that has never failed the American people, never missed a payment. I'm saying that we're going to save Social Security by stopping the Bush administration's plan to privatize.