"Now, mustard seed has many advantages over other feedstocks, including higher oil content, it is easier to grow in colder and drier climates of the U.S., and the conversion process leaves behind an organic pesticide and herbicide. Initial research studies by the University of Idaho and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory have shown favorable results.
"Now, Mr. Chairman, mustard seed has roots deep in all cultures, and it is specifically mentioned in the Bible. I want to read you a passage from Mark which will show the recognition of mustard seed as a crop that deserves recognition here.
"Mark, in the fourth chapter, talks about the Kingdom of Heaven, and says: ’It is like a mustard seed, which when sewn in the Earth is less than all the seeds that be in the Earth. But when it is sewn, it groweth up and becometh greater than all the other herbs and shooteth out great branches.’
"So something that was understood in the intelligence of the world thousands of years ago needs once again to be recognized, because what we have here is a crop that gives a great potential. And we know that farmers are key to eliminating our dependency on foreign oil and that we can grow our way out of this energy crisis. That is one of the reasons I am offering this.
"Mark is not the only place where mustard seed is mentioned. We are told that if we have faith as a grain of mustard seed, we can move mountains. Well, this is an opportunity for us to show not only faith in the good will of this House to help America take an important step towards sustainable energy, but also faith in alternative energy and faith in our own Nation. I think that we can take this opportunity to give farmers a chance for growing options for biomass feedstocks. It is imperative that we find those feedstocks that will eliminate our dependency on foreign oil as soon as possible.