that Obama, Edwards, and Clinton each got to answer questions about his/her faith for 15 minutes in an auditorium with a crowd that applauded periodically, while Kucinich, Biden, Dodd, and Richardson were given only 6 minutes each with Paula Zahn.
We're nowhere near primary time yet but CNN is calling it for the top three to remain the top three.
Why not have them all in the same format?
Not only that, Kucinich, Biden, Dodd, and Richardson are all Catholic so the Catholics were all given less time than the Protestants, and Zahn began by welcoming Sen. Biden to "The Catholic Hour."
Al Smith was the first Catholic nominee for president, a Democrat, of course, and Oklahoma greeted his train as it entered the state at night with a burning cross in a field. Many don't realize that the Klan hated/hates Catholics as much as Jews and blacks, sometimes more. There's not much left of the Klan, but the sentiments linger,
Jack Kennedy was the first Catholic president and there was a lot of anti-Catholic talk, much of it hateful, during the campaign and during his presidency. There were Democrats who voted for Nixon rather than vote for a Catholic.
Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.