Edited on Fri Sep-08-06 10:09 AM by TayTay
back in March at the Democratic Campaign Institute ("DCI") seminar in Worcester, MA, that was jointly given by former Dean and Kerry staffers from the last Presidential cycle. It is a shame that we spend so much time on DU on what divides us and so little time on what we hold in common belief. I know for a fact that Sen. Kerry believes in this strategy and thinks it is extremely important for the future of the Democratic Party in America. (I heard too many Kerry-Staffers, current and former, at this seminar speak of the necessity of doing this to believe otherwise.)
People learn as they go along. I don't trust people who never change their minds when presented with new situations and new evidence. I think that Sen. Kerry learned a great deal in the last run and has already put a lot of what he learned into practice. So did a lot of other people who supported Kerry in the last cycle. This is why we have a Patriot Project now, not just for this Congressional midterm election, but as a strategy going forward to defend Democrats from smear campaigns and to have a ready mechanism in place to fight the nasty rumors, innuendo and just plain lies that 'the other side' routinely uses to win the argument before our side even takes the stage. Fore-warned is fore-armed and Max Cleland and others at the Patriot Project completely understand that. We have to have efforts put in place that anticipate the attacks before they happen and present ways to fight back. (Ways that can engage even a disinterested national press corps, who will cover something if they think it's a fight.)
The 50 State Strategy was explained to me as a fighting and very active way to not concede the fight to the other side before it even begins. We cannot write off whole regions of the country; that is political suicide. It may take a generation (30 years or so) to rebuild the Democratic name and brand in the South. So be it, it will take 30 years then, let's start the effort. We have to get away from letting 3rd party interest groups speak for 'our' interests. That model is not working and can be easily turned against us as Democrats are picked off on small issues and held to be equivalent to these 'special interest groups.' (We, as a Party, have to stand for something. We can't outsource 'our issues' to 3rd Party groups and expect them to do the ground work and muster the troops necessary to fight for these issues. That model doesn't work and is too prone to it's own forms of drift and corruption.)
We also cannot, under any circumstances, continue to outsource GOTV efforts to 3rd party sources. This was a real disaster in '04. The talk about the machine fraud and the very real efforts made by some to block the Democratic vote in '04 takes up a lot of oxygen. We haven't discussed how ACT (America Coming Together) viewed it's own efforts at increasing the progressive vote as a mixed bag. This organization, which existed to get more progressive and presumably Democratic voters to the polls, was forbidden by law from mentioning John Kerry/John Edwards by name. They could only advocate for the general goal of 'Vote tomorrow.' That is one of the biggest planning failures of the Democratic Party. We cannot rely on people who cannot even speak the name of our candidates to GOTV. That is insane. The Republicans have a much, much better working model for this, even if I think much of it skirts a legal border. (Repubs use Churches to organize. Not good for the Republic, in my opinion.)
The 50 State Strategy seeks to remedy this by rebuilding the Democratic Party from the ground up. We control our message, we control our GOTV effort, we control our image. We also make every effort to personalize the Democratic Party to the people we are talking to. The Democratic Party isn't the Senators and Congressmen on Capitol Hill, it's you and me and how we talk to our own friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers. We are the Democratic Party. We are the best advocates for what this Party believes in. We have to be our own messengers and political evangelists in getting out the word on what we believe in. We have to be the face of the Democrats to the people we want to reach out to, not the interest groups. That's why this is so important. The 50 State Strategy brings 'We the People' back into the Democratic Party and it is a must-do, at all costs. It is the only way to go forward. We have to reclaim the fight, for the good of the Democratic Party and for the good of America.