it's relevant to what he's been saying! Also emphasizes how this backfired for the GOP, they should have stood up long ago, when Bush attached the signing statement to the McCain torture amendment.
For foes of Bush plan, values win
Finally: a glimpse of what our government ought to be.
Republicans are questioning their president in a time of war. When Democrats did it a lot of folks said it was treasonous. I'm wondering who will be the first to stand up to Colin Powell or John McCain and call them traitors.
The issue is using torture to get information from suspected terrorists, and how far down that lightless road we're willing to go.
President Bush wants to let U.S. investigators work outside some of the long-understood rules set out in the Geneva Conventions.
The president has repeatedly said: "We do not torture." But the sad fact is that we do, and will again if the president gets his way.
What the terrorists did to us, what they want to do to us, revealed who they are.
The ways we choose to deal with it reveals who we are. the words of Senator Kerry: