Welcome Back Kerry
Issue date: 9/18/06 Section: Editorials
We were happy to see Democratic presidential hopeful and Massachusetts Senator John Kerry come to Howard while campaigning back in 2004. Although he didn't win, we were pleased to see him remain an active politician after the elections, and we appreciated him taking the time to come speak with students last Thursday.During a speech about national security, Senator Kerry looked to students to be the change needed in our government and made no secret of his displeasure with the actions of the Bush Administration.
We, at Howard, are sometimes spoiled to have the privilege of visits from prominent speakers, as is the campus tradition. Last year, when word began to spread that President Bush and the first lady were making their way to Blackburn, it was not a big surprise.
However, the outcome of their visit could not have been predicted. Unlike the two times Senator Kerry visited, students were not allowed to attend the event the first lady hosted. We were even locked out of our own student center and accused by Courtland Milloy of protesting only because we could not get our soul food.
Therefore, Kerry's return leaves us nostalgic of what it would have been like had he been elected. This editorial would have been about the most powerful man in the world talking to students - not about someone who could have been. The Senator's visit also leaves us frustrated that he didn't fight a little harder to make sure the election was fair, and that he waited so long to scream "foul."
Regardless of his failure to challenge the Bush Administration and his loss in the presidential race,
the fact that Senator Kerry has come to Howard twice in the last two years says a lot, and we appreciate his faith and respect of this institution. It only leaves us wondering why Senator Barack Obama has yet to make his acquaintance with the Howard student body. . .http://www.thehilltoponline.com/media/storage/paper590/news/2006/09/18/Editorials/Welcome.Back.Kerry-2282612.shtml?norewrite200609182229&sourcedomain=www.thehilltoponline.com(emphasis added)
Seems there is some consensus snark in there, but also some wonderful comments.