Globalvillage, I have the opposite problem here, our John sent me an email asking me to volunteer to help our 8th cong. district candidate. He asked me to volunteer my time to do lit drops, phone banks, etc. to help get him elected to the House. Here's my problem, I have always supported JK, in each of his emails by sending money or whatever he asked. Today I'm telling him "NO". I have gotten involved with the Democratic Party since the 2004 election, just as he requested. We had a primary and I threw my support behind a young man who in my estimation was John Kerry 35 years ago. A Rhodes Scholar, brilliant, factual, warm and definately for the people. He answered all our questions with honesty and clarity, you would have thought you were talking to John Kerry himself! Many good Dems here support him, a real grass roots movement from many of us. The problem?? A millionaire doctor! The underlying message from our state Dems was that only the Good Doctor and his money could defeat the Repub opponent. The entire Wis primary was won with the candidates who spent the most money. Then I get the email asking me to volunteer to help Herb Kohl, a multimillionaire, Jim Doyle, (questionable ethics) 5 million in his war chest, Dave Obey, you already know my feelings about him, Ron Kind, member of the 3rd Way and all for the war in Irag, and of course, the millionaire Doctor, who can't quite spit out what he really plans to do for anyone except bring in yet another plan to cure our medical insurance problems. He, of course, has all his money invested in the drug companies and insurance companies. Worst of all, he very strongly supports Wes Clark! ( First question I asked him before I threw my support behing Jamie Wall.) As an aside, Tay Tay, Jamie is 6'4", and I so wanted to be able to say," my tall congressman from Wis." Not one of these people helped Kerry in 2004 nor will they help him in 2008. Our 2004 election was such a fiasco,( ask anyone working for Kerry,) it seemed planned that he would lose. Not to mention the very strange email glitch, inadvertandly sent out from Moveon on the Sunday before the primary and the DCCC coming in on Primary day and doing the GOTV for the" Good Doctor." Clinton will be here for Doyle next month so I'm very sure he doesn't need any help from me. Whoever contacted Senator Kerry and asked for his help contacting his supporters (that very long list of emails addresses he has must be enviable among the other dems) was certainly playing on John's Dem values, in my opinion. Please know this is not sour grapes because my candidate lost this primary, I very much fear we have lost Wisconsin as a blue state. Each year, the number of registered democrats has decreased and I have to wonder if that is the plan on the part of our leaders, dem or repub. My support for JK is unwavering, but I sure am questioning the people he has asked me to work for.