Edited on Mon Sep-25-06 07:58 PM by TayTay
I loved it from the intros on down. (Love that prizefight intro thing FoxNews did. And it was good to see Chris Wallace. He was no doubt standing because of that arse-whooping he got yesterday from Bill Clinton. Hahahahahaha!)
The comentary on BlueMassGroup was good. I loved the one about Kerry Healey, "She looked scarier than Uma Thurman in Kill Bill" and the response, "At least Uma Thurman is actually from Massachusetts." Hahahahahahaha
So, where can I send the check for Christy Mihos. Deval could pretty much put his feet up and let Christy take Healey out in this one. Christy was in her face all night and all she wanted to do was talk about 'my opponent, Deval Patrick.' (I think she thought the other two were store mannequins or something.)
Christy Mihos landed punches on her more times than not. Deval just had to sit there, stroke his chine every now and then and look like a 'statesman.' I think Christy even got on her case on the question about negative ads. (Christy, by the way, sounds like a Masshole. I kept expectinga , 'for chrissakes Kerry' to come out of him at any moment.) Christy Mihos was the one who basically turned a softball question for Healey around to a defense of John Kerry. (Hahahahahaha damn, just damn. She spoke at their friggin convention in NYC where they had the purple heart bandages made up to mock Kerry. Deval didn't have to bring that up, the one-time Repub Mihos did and how outrageous that was to smear a noble guy like Kerry. Hahahahahaha! Payback sure is a bitch Ms Healey.)
More of those please!!!!!! If all the other debates are free-for-alls on Healey, Deval Patrick can pretty much start taking measurements for that Inauguration Suit, cuz he is walking in to that Corner Office.
Oh my God, that was funny. That has got to be one of my favorite debates ever. I was watching it yelling, 'Hit her again Christy, you bastard, I love you!!!!!!' Wow, Deval looks like a statesman sitting there after Christy knifes Healey again over the Big Dig. "I think Kerry Healey has some good ideas and I intend to use them after I annihilate her in the general election. It's all good."
ah, Massachusetts. (There were 4 candidates at this debate, Deval Patrick- Democrat, Grace Ross - Green/Rainbow Party, Christy Mihos - Independent vengeance oriented guy, and Kerry Healey (Republican.)