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What are your main issues with the current administration?

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ginnyinWI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-18-04 05:04 PM
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What are your main issues with the current administration?
Seito thought I should make this a separate thread, so here goes.

My two main issues are Bush's War, and the trashing of the environment. I think everyone should define their most important concerns and try to find ways to help. What are all of yours?
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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-18-04 05:39 PM
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1. wealth created by middle class and poor moving to the top
while those who work for it get far less for their work.

and i believe the iraq war, trashing of the environment, and most of the policies of this administration comes down to what i said about wealth.
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JohnKleeb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-18-04 11:41 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. agreed
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seito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-18-04 05:57 PM
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2. What is most important to me...
My Major Issues are:

THE WAR - #1

Election fraud

Corporate controlled media



Health Care

Outsourcing of jobs

Those are the big ones for me. Right now, my primary focus beyond uncovering what I believe is massive election fraud, will be fighting to get our soldiers taken care of and brought back home as quickly as possible.
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sandnsea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-18-04 06:25 PM
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3. Corporate control
Everything they do is meant to tear apart the New Deal and Great Society and put the Gilded Age back in place. Everything from imperialist wars to labor rights to the environment to media consolidation to tort reform; all of it. Plutocracy, that's what they want. It's all about shifting the authority of the government to the corporation and making us totally dependent on corporations with no legal right to redress.
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CBHagman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 06:28 PM
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5. So many, but here goes...
*A foreign policy that ultimately makes us less safe (i.e., complete neglect of the Middle East peace process; arrogant, my-way-or-the-highway policies on the environment and Iraq, etc.)

*Attempt to defund Social Security

*Shredding of the social safety net in general

*Shredding of the Bill of Rights and the Geneva Conventions (horrific policies on torture, habeas corpus, etc.)

*Obsessive secrecy and complete lack of accountability to the public

*Attempts to establish a state religion and funding for the same

*Regressive tax policy that taxes wages and salaries but not inherited wealth or passive income

*Efforts to increase the number of Americans without insurance and make health insurance less affordable to the masses.

Admittedly that's a long list, and I have to pick and choose what I comment on. Mostly I've been making calls to my senators and representative, but I plan to do more this session of Congress.
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TayTay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 07:52 PM
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6. Basically, everything
Bush's war in Iraq and the lies he told to get there, the lies he tells to stay there and the arrogant and criminal disregard for the safety and well-being of our troops that are serving over there. I had this out with Rethug relatives when that war was being debated back in fall '02 and I am still having it out with them. Grrrrrrr!

The arrogant and dismissive way he runs his Rethuglican government. No concerns for the rights of the minority, no listening to anyone who has a different opinion and a reckless disregard for the Constitution.

The way he tries to isolate dissent and use any means necessary to make those dissenters look 'unAmerican.' This does so much damage to America. Dissent and the critical voices of others are important in a democracy, some of those other voices can keep us from making catastrophic mistakes. But this idiot thinks he has a mandate from heaven to wreak the republic and won't listen to any other voices.

Stop now, so I can sleep later. Grrrrrrrr!
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vinessa4freedom Donating Member (874 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 09:07 PM
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7. It's not an administration
it's a farce.

He doesn't have a brain. I don't understand how the American people can be hoodwinked when they hear him speak.

Everything is wrong with it. There is no positive agenda in it at all. The biggest problem and the core of the corruption is the combination of money and power--everything else falls in as a result of that.

The environment is suffering miserably, yet Bush says,"emission reductions would hurt the U.S. economy". Our economy is in the toilet (although I don't think the Bush family have suffered), Our military personnel are overtired and overworked and even dying fighting a useless war, it seems to be ok to confuse Bin Laden and Saddam. What the heck-they're both bad guys, right? Tax breaks are being given to the wealthy and to people who drive great big gas-guzzling SUV's, and tax breaks have been eliminated for much space do I have? Religion is infiltrating our legal system, our schools, and the constitution and heaven help you if you don't have the same religion as the rule-makers. The constitution as we knew it has been mutilated. There is no such thing as privacy, or individual rights anymore. Anything you say anywhere and any time can and will be used against you to further the agenda of the right wing. Ummm...there's more but I'll shut up now. Thanks for the space to rant.
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