First let me say that I'm sorry if this has been mentioned before. If it has, I haven't seen it, but I am only an occassional visitor here.
I think I am starting to see a new (?) frame being used for JK, that of 'loser'. It is like the rightwing wants us to associate JK with losing. On what do I base this disquieting conjecture? Looky here for this sentence: 'Not surprisingly, they agreed that LOSING candidate John Kerry made a lot of mistakes.' (capitalization mine)
And then earlier I saw this one at "Senator John Kerry, the UNSUCCESSFUL Democratic candidate in the 2004 presidential election"
as well as '...and the party’s DEFEATED 2004 presidential candidate, John Kerry,' at Oh, and that is not all. Here it is again, ' FAILED 2004 presidential candidate John Kerry attempted to moderate his position in favor of unlimited abortions...' at Now perhaps I am just being sensitive. Or perhaps this has been ongoing, as I don't generally raise my blood pressure by reading rightwing rags. But I am used to seeing words like 'senator' and 'challenger' and 'candidate' without the negative adjectives.
What do you think? Is yet something else rotten in Roveland?