It would appear the anti-war movement is in near as much disarray as the Democratic Party. AlterNet Senior Editor Lakshmi Chaudhry has recently come under attack for supposedly advocating the continuation of the occupation. Patsified asks “if it was worth it”. I’m sure there will be a thorough trashing of Senator Kerry and his MTP appearance in the coming week, even though many, on the left even, support his exact position on Iraq and have since the beginning. BOPNEWS seems to have it right to me, regardless of the validity of the elections or the zeal of the resistance, the real cause of failure has been "the weakness of our policy and execution."
Erik Leaver writes, that “beyond, “bring the troops home,”…that we (the left) have done a poor job of providing a deeper alternative vision for U.S. security policy.” U.S. security policy certainly includes foreign policy, from trade to the environment to social justice as is laid out in Tom Hayden’s Appeal to Global Conscience, which are critical aspects of global peace that I fully support. But it also relates to countries in turmoil, Sudan, Chad, Myanmar and more. If we claim to care about genocide and oppression in these countries, how can we, in good conscience, throw up our hands when discussing the future of our Iraq? Has anyone thought ahead ten years to the reaction of a humanitarian crisis in Iraq should they have “their dictatorship, their civil war”, as Jonathan Schell also writes? Human Rights Watch already reports that “unlawful arrest, long-term incommunicado detention, torture and other ill-treatment of detainees (including children) by Iraqi authorities have become routine and commonplace.” It would seem this is the appropriate time to apply an ounce of prevention.
As Senator Kerry, Senator Kennedy, and everyone on the left has stated, there must be no permanent presence in Iraq. True democracy and freedom means a sovereign Iraq. It would seem to me that this would be the central point on which everyone could rally around, a sovereign Iraq with a government of their choosing.
Certainly a sovereign Iraq requires the withdrawal of all foreign troops, which is the point of contention on the left. Tom Hayden calls for immediate withdrawal, which seems to me and many others to be a devil may care attitude. Most of those who state “end the occupation” and “bring the troops home” don’t really mean that the occupation should end abruptly, say tomorrow. Jonathan Schell of “The Nation” calls for an “orderly withdrawal accompanied by American and international assistance.” While Lakshmi Chaudhry claims Senator Kerry offered no alternative on Iraq, she also writes “Well, it's time we made a good faith effort to raise that question. The world – especially the European and Arab nations – cannot afford a chaotic or unstable Iraq any more than the United States. An open willingness to cede real power – hardly the hallmark of the Bush policy – may well spark more enthusiasm amongst our allies.” Well my, my, where have I heard that before. If Chaudhry thinks it’s an idea of her own creation, I would suggest she actually read Senator Kerry’s solutions for Iraq, which he has been laying out consistently since the beginning. These same solutions were clearly laid out again today, “the training, the international community, the services and reconstruction, and the elections and protection.” While Senator Kerry does not support a date-specific timeline, he does support withdrawal of the troops. “I wouldn't do a specific timetable, but I certainly agree with him in principle that the goal must be to withdraw American troops.
George Bush is routinely guilty of black/white foreign policy. Unfortunately, so is the left. The questions are not, as Bush would have the country belief, endless war or appeasement. Neither is it, as some on the left suggest, pacifism or pro-Bush’s wars. It is entirely possible to support responsibility to the Iraqi people along with total renouncement of Bush’s global domination agenda. It is high time the left live up to its own lofty ideals of supporting human rights and ending oppression. We must end the American occupation in Iraq and return Iraq to the Iraqi’s. But we cannot claim humanitarian superiority if we disregard the well-being of the Iraqi people in the process. I would encourage Senators Kerry and Kennedy to create an alternative withdrawal timeline, dependent on legitimate milestones rather than date specific. I would encourage the left to support UN Resolution 1546 and Kofi Annan’s call for increased international participation in security training of the Iraqis in order for the UN to come in and assist in governance and reconstruction. Bush will never reclaim his credibility with the world after his war lies. That is no reason to stand in the way of the US reclaiming its credibility through an overwhelming show of support for the UN and internationalism. The only group who can lead this effort is the left. I hope they have the wisdom to seize the opportunity, for the benefit of the country and the world.