I'm also very interested in what makes JK tick, his personality, and the outdoor pursuits that he is into. I really think knowing what someone is into is a great window into their personality and soul. I was really intrigued by Kerry after learning just after the primaries that he was an advanced rated hang glider pilot. Later I learned he is into so much more, just like me (the all important personal connection).
The movie "Going UpRiver" talks about his adventurous side as a youth. Climbing trees, being the dare-devil, and into alpine skiing. It shows Kerry going down a run of moguls at an early age---he has good form and style---always very important. During the campaign, I guess we all have seen the footage of him snowboarding in Sun Valley.
Well I know that he is into surfing, the book "Tour of Duty" goes into this aspect. When he was stationed here in San Diego in the late 60's for training at Coronado Island he was living off base in Ocean Beach (OB) and would hit the surf in the morning (dawn patrol). Said he really enjoyed that. Obviously he is into windsurfing, and also kite-boarding (think surfing but being propelled by kiting a small paraglider above you).
The flying side of him I also find very exciting, I would like to know more about that (hey that gives me an idea!). He is a licensed, rated private pilot. Don't know if he is current. As stated, he is a rated H4 hang glider pilot and a member of USHGA. He has gone tandem paragliding with an instructor in Ketchum, Idaho not too long ago. I'm not sure if he still flys hang gliders? I wonder?
I read an article in some mag recently, that actually talked a little about this side of him (maybe Newsweek) and it listed some of the sports he is into, and then he made a comment like (paraphrasing here) he is into sports that he can control the risk factor to some degree. He then said something like he wasn't into climbing as an example. I said what? Ouch that personally hurt. I'm still bleeding from that wound (LOL). That has always been my first love. How can you be into all of these pursuits and not be into climbing?
Like JK I'm into a lot of these same outdoor sports, and pursue them religiously. Take these away from me and I would be worthless. These activities keep me balanced. It must be genetic---I think I have the high adventure, high risk gene, as does Kerry. I consider myself to be very safe though. I always check it out from all angles, before I jump. And I always play by the rules of nature, and never try to break them. Remember, Mother Nature always has the upper hand and can slap you silly or worse. :toast: