In thinking of Kerry being the ______ candidate. I ran across this, links to the Executive Summary, and Chapter 4 on Intelligence. I haven't read it all, but it looks interesting.'m looking for either a hearing or an interview back in 2002 where Kerry questions someone, or is talking to someone, about whether the WMD intelligence is correct. IIRC, he mentions speaking to leaders in the region who are warning that Saddam and his WMD are being hyped. I think it would prove that the intelligence always was at issue and many people knew it was at issue. To gobble it down, the way Edwards says he did, is beyond comprehension. If I could find this, it would show that Kerry was questioning all along, and voted for the IWR in order to answer those questions once and for all. Inspections was his goal, not war.
If Edwards believed Saddam had WMD, then the question to him becomes, why isn't he getting to the bottom of this massive intelligence failure. Everybody else can see Bush distorted it, most Americans believe that. Why doesn't Edwards? Is it because he realizes he helped? I don't know, but I'm not liking this latest attack on 'being misled'. We were lied into a war and if Edwards doesn't get that, then he doesn't get anything.