I found this to be intelligent - and very interesting - advice:
http://www.liberaloasis.com/2007/01/after_obama.php ...With the informal entrance of Sen. Barack Obama into the race, the primary season is heating up faster than expected.
But it is still LiberalOasis' view that the bulk of this year is better focused on articulating our vision than getting caught up in the personality game. That will best set the stage for 2008.
In fact, this should be a truism for any non-election year.
We need to get out of the habit of sitting back and waiting for a sweet-talking savior to do all the heavy lifting, since it's a years-long team effort to communicate an overarching vision and build trust with the broader electorate.
But it is especially so this year, because every prospective Democratic candidate has plenty to prove.
And candidates, here's a way not to prove it:
Trying to put a little wrinkle into a non-binding anti-surge Senate resolution so you can have your own super-special Iraq position to distinguish yourself from your rivals.
Here's a way to prove it:
Directly challenge the fundamental goals and objectives of the current neoconservative foreign policy, in Iraq and beyond, and offer an alternate vision so compelling that the party gets behind you.
In other words, show some real leadership skills.
And in the meantime, we in the grassroots should do the same.